Nimli Jewelry

March 17, 2009

So much pretty jewelry that I had to make myself stop saving pictures to post on here. Here’s their site: Nimli

Betty B Nina Cuff


Cizana Agate Pendant

Zizmor Residence

March 12, 2009

As I’ve posted before I have this thing for horizontal wood fences, screens, etc. So one glance at Brad Zizmor’s  gorgeous deck off his small New York City apartment and I’m completely smitten. Zizmor is an architect with a + i architecture in NYC and recently had his apartment renovation written about in Dwell Magazine.

a + i architecture

Propeller Necklace

March 11, 2009

I love these propeller bead necklaces by Formfire Glass Works. Each of the pieces is handmade from Italian, German or American glass.