Woolly Pocket Garden

June 25, 2009

Overlooking the odd hipster-y naked people on the website, I really like these Woolly Pocket hanging gardens, which come in all sizes.

 I actually have a thing right now for vertical gardens. I recently read an interesting blog where she talks about a vertical vegatable garden installed on the side of a food bank building in LA.

3 Responses to “Woolly Pocket Garden”

  1. Lurc said

    Beauty and originality is in everything! Especially first photo

  2. Gavin said

    Woolly pockets are about the simplest way to make a vertical garden. Looks great.

  3. Aurora said

    Hi, thanks for posting about us! We thought these new Woolly Pocket videos might interest you!

    Woolly Yours,

    aurora at woollypocket dot com

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